The N8UKF Repeater Group Story
147.380 KE8LZ Repeater
Originally located in the Grand Haven area it was re-located to Fruitport in the
early 90's with remote receivers in Grand Haven and Muskegon. Bruce,
KE8LZ, Ted, N8TED (sk) and John, N8OCT worked and tweaked the repeater
until it was working at its peak. The repeater remained at Bruce's home on a
100' tower until the tower was taken down in the great wind storms of 1998.
With Bruce soon to retire, the repeater was turned over to N8UKF and moved
to Muskegon and placed on a local cell tower Mike, N8UKF, had access to at
the 100' foot mark. It remained there until new owners of the cell tower asked
Mike to remove his equipment due to upcoming sales negotiations. The
repeater was then moved to the roof of a tall building in downtown Muskegon
where it resided until moved to the roof of the local Holiday Inn Hotel a few
years back. The repeater is a Yaesu System Fusion repeater running in Auto
receive and Auto transmit modes.
443.200 N8UKF Repeater
The 443.200 repeater has been operational since July 1994. The repeater was
originally put on the air using a Motorola Micor repeater purchased at a very
reasonable price from WD8MKG. Later on an Icom repeater was purchased
and is still on line today. The repeater is now a Yaesu System Fusion Repeater
in Digital only mode. The repeater was then mounted on a 60-foot tower
alongside Pulaski Lodge. In May of 1998 a cell tower was erected on the
Pulaski Lodge site and the 443.200 repeater was provided with a new home at
the 100-foot mark. This happened just in time since the very bad horizontal
winds that caused havoc throughout Western Michigan took the 60-foot tower
down on May 27th. 1998. A few days later we were up and running again in
our new building at the base of the new cell tower. Our antenna is an 8 bay
folded dipole commercial antenna purchased at the Dayton Hamfest and
oriented to the Northeast. The duplexers are TX-RX Duplexers. We use
Andrews ¾ inch feedline for the antenna
In the early days we used a couple of home brew controllers until settling on
the Cat-1000 controller. These controllers are great! In addition to the
controller a voice mail system was added to the repeater. Later on the voice
mail was removed for lack of use and a weather station was added.
Over the years we have had links for the repeater in Fruitport and in Holton with
good success. Mainly the links were under used so they were taken down to
save maintenance time and funds. For current repeater information go to the
repeater page.
The “Group”
Currently the core group of volunteers are Mike, N8UKF - Barney, KC8LLN -
Bob, K8RKO - Bill, WD8MKG - Tim, KD8YWN - Doug, WM8F - Dave, N8LMP
and a couple non-hams Les(sk) and Jay. Thanks to all of their efforts we have
been able to keep the repeater on the air. The times of free and low cost tower
space are all but over and it has become more challenging work. We do owe a
hearty thank you to the owner of the Holiday Inn Muskegon for granting us
some tower space at a very fair rate !! The hotel owner has been very
understanding of our plight and helpful whenever possible and the staff has
been very helpful as well.
© N8UKF, Mike Cameron 2017 All images and trademarks are the property of their
perspective owners i.e..Yaesu System Fusion.
The .38 and 443.2 Repeaters. Circa1998
The .38 was on the bank. Circa 2010
The .38 now on the Holiday Inn Hotel.